Nicole Donnelly
TechLady Hackathon 4 logo created by @MarieCWhittaker
Everything for this workshop is available online here
“In the simplest terms, APIs are sets of requirements that govern how one application can talk to another.”
“APIs are what make it possible to move information between programs....”
Context: I will focus on REST APIs with JSON.
Read more about API types here
{"Data":{"Status":"SUCCESS","Name":"Apple Inc","Symbol":"AAPL","LastPrice":117.12,"Change":-0.349999999999994,"ChangePercent":-0.297948412360598,"Timestamp":"Wed Oct 19 00:00:00 UTC-04:00 2016","MarketCap":631094444160,"Volume":20034594,"ChangeYTD":105.26,"ChangePercentYTD":11.2673380201406,"High":117.76,"Low":113.8,"Open":117.25}}
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{"Data":{"Status":"SUCCESS","Name":"Apple Inc","Symbol":"AAPL","LastPrice":117.06,"Change":-0.0600000000000023,"ChangePercent":-0.0512295081967233,"Timestamp":"Thu Oct 20 00:00:00 UTC-04:00 2016","MarketCap":630771137580,"Volume":24059570,"ChangeYTD":105.26,"ChangePercentYTD":11.2103363100893,"High":117.38,"Low":116.33,"Open":116.86}}
<Name>Apple Inc</Name>
<Timestamp>Thu Oct 20 00:00:00 UTC-04:00 2016</Timestamp>
There are a lot of libraries availble in Python to help with this task:
There is usually more than one way to do things in Python. What you end up with tends to be what you learn first and/ or what you are most comfortable with.
Expect a fair bit of trial and error. Web scraping is not straightforward and not for the faint of heart. It is a last resort.
There are a lot of online resources for using Git and GitHub. Here is a good one to start with An Intro to Git and GitHub for Beginners (Tutorial).
There are a lot of Python references available. I used Learn Python the Hard Way and Automate the Boring Stuff with Python when I was first learning. I like the challenges on HackerRank to practice. The discussion on each challenge is great for seeing how other people approach the problem and to ask questions. The free beginner lesson on DataQuest are also great if you are just starting out or want more practice.
Ethics: I encourage you to google the ethics of web scraping and read a bit about it before plunging into scraping.
Check out this GitHub Repo with a tutorial for writing your first scraper. Jackie Kazil, of PyLadies DC and Women Data Scientists DC, contributed to the project.
Scrapy is a Python library that provides an application framework for scraping.
In June, David Eads from the NPR Visuals Team made a blog post on Useful Scraping Techniques. It is pretty amazing. He presented it at PyData DC so check back at that link for a recording of his talk (they should be posted by Thanksgiving). In the mean time, you can check out his slides.
You can find my initial DOH scraping efforts on my GitHub. I am attempting to build a sustainable scraper through Code for DC. If you want to help, come to a meetup
I created this presentation using Jupyter Notebook and reveal.js. It is being hosted as a GitHub Project Page. I found a few resources out there for how to do this such as Presentation slides with Jupyter Notebook and Deploy reveal.js slideshow on github-pages.